
Cattle are widely effected by Brucellosis. 
  • Signs of cattle being infected with Brucellosis include: abortions, arthritic joints, and retained after-birth.
  • Abortions occur due to:1. erythritol, which causes infections in the fetus and placenta or 2. the placenta's amniotic fluid's inability to fight off brucellosis. 
  • Males also can contain brucellosis in their sexual reproductive tracts. 


Dogs can also be infected by Brucellosis
  • Brucellosis in dogs tends to infect the lymphatic system and sexual reproductive organs.
  • However it can effect eye, kidney, and intervertebral disc
  • Symptoms include swollen reproductive organs, swelling in the eye, pain, and weakness.


Humans are also subject to Brucellosis
  • Primarily occurs in humans who are in direct contact with animals.
  • 6,500 cases in Mexico in 1998 alone
  • Involves intense treatment
  • Symptoms include: fevers, sweating, anaemia, headaches, depression, and muscle pains.